How Long Does It Take For An Ex To Miss You With No Contact?


The first thing that you feel is missing your ex after a breakup. You will quickly wonder whether it is the correct choice to split up with them, now that you feel hollow without them. On top of that, you are actually in a no contact stage with them.

 You just simply have not moved on yet. It is natural to miss your ex, and anybody who has been through a breakup will feel it. And if you want them to miss you too, that is natural as well. If you are curious about how long it takes for an ex to forget you without contact, it is also a stage in which you are going to move.

 Since excitement is an indication that you are in the first step after the breakup of no contact rule. Yet there is no precise time for how long your ex will get to miss you again. It is all based on who they are and the case.

Your Relationship And Breakup Matters

If the ex has never had any serious relationship before, and this is their first time, they should be uncomfortable with all of these no contact laws. They do not know what to expect and have much more tough time to cope with the pain from the post-breakup relationship.

In this situation, from the time you break up, they will miss you every single day. You may not have the duty, however, to relieve her suffering. They have to live with it on their own and they have to make peace with reality.

It is not an uncommon thing to miss your ex because you just broke up. Especially because it is the first time those things have been encountered.

Your Ex Is Dating Somebody?

 Believe it or not, there are people who are able to heal easily from a breakup. They finding themselves in a new relationship, let alone missing the ex, before they had knew that they had just broken up.

After the breakup, this sort of person will say "yes" to someone coming next to them. By having fun at night clubs, signing up for a dating site, and even engaging in a matchmaking case, they complete their post breakup time.

Since they have no issue with going on, do not expect high numbers. They are never going to miss you.

RELATED: How Effective Is The No Contact Rule

How Does Your Ex Feel About You?

The amount of time your ex has to forget you depends a great feeling on how strong you are when you are dating. The emotional baggage post breakup-up could be very high because the breakup was induced and not voluntary.

It is possible for them to miss you every day if you treated them nicely, loved them, and split up in good circumstances.

But if you have had a bad breakup, do not really expect them to miss you. Their feeling will be totally ruined and it does not make anything easier to be in a no contact time. You do not want to make things different, but love can soon be erased. 

RELATED: More articles about Getting Your True Love back.

Does your ex miss you during no contact?

Let us get right to the point, because if you were in a relationship with a toxic, emotionally unavailable, or narcissistic person and continue to miss this person during a No Contact period despite everything, the question "Does he miss me during No Contact?" It is undoubtedly alive in your bones.

In fact, around the holidays.

The response is as follows: Yes. Your ex misses you the same way that he has been in a relationship with you... inconsistently.

I am going to explain.

As in several things, "does he think about me?" to grasp the answer to the questions? or "Is he missing me in the absence of any contact?" "Requires that first we unpack certain concerns.

You know this now, but the aim of no contact is to eliminate yourself from a dysfunctional relationship and avoid being prompted by someone who has caused you harm, so that you can recover and move on.

Should you be ashamed when you even ask these questions?

Wondering: "Is my ex missing me?" "They are regular.

If you are grasping, desperate, and fascinated with a symbol that you are lacking... that is natural, too. If you feel like you live a bit less in this universe somewhere or like the holidays are empty of hope when you hear static on the radio, please know that you are not nuts. You are creating sense.

You will tend to feel less powerless, less unseen, and better to feel (all) of your emotions and to be yourself authentically if you choose to keep no contact. It may appear unlikely, and change will take place at a glacial rate, however it will take place. If you continue to keep no contact, you can, pure and clear, forever be the girl who got away.

Perhaps not for the reasons that you think, however.

Here's an idea from ExBackExpertise, when you unexpectedly find yourself unpredictable, unbothered, and at ease. When your ex is looking for an ego snack with signs that you want him, he is not going to be able to survive without him, he is never going to be the same, but he never finds the confirmation. If what he sees is a level-up clone of the girl he used to know (not just mentally, but energetically)... This will inspire again a stirring of the old intangible expectation that you are really THE ego prize that will make his self-esteem soar for life.

Your ex will wonder about you, though, if you decide to leave him alone, and he will begin to develop confidence that he was really wrong and that you are the missing link in his wretched life. You were cycling back to being respected.

Even if he sees you as glowing and oblivious, but never tells you that he is missing you, please know that, in the small way that he can, he feels regret.

RELATED: Does Your Ex Miss You? 


How long does it take for an ex to reach out?

It could be in ten days, it could be in ten years, and it could never be again. This is the harsh, hard truth that you never wanted to know. I am sorry, but I promised that I would not lie. After months, some of my exes reached out, some after years, and some still ignore me to this day—but they still keep following me on social media.

No one can forecast the future, and no one can read your mind as an ex. It is absolutely and totally unknown. And everyone who assures you otherwise is trying to sell something to you. I know it is complicated, but I try not to think too much about it.

Then how long are you waiting for?

That you don't.

And you are enjoying your life. You will come to find out that the one person you thought you liked... was not all that perfect to start with. You are going to understand that life does not give you what you desire... it gives you what you need. I promise you that the right person is just around the corner because of you. I do know it now. What you need is the strength to let go of what you have been used to. One at a time, to move your foot to turn the corner and believe that you are going to be all right no matter where life takes you. And you are going to be. Still, you can.

What do you do when you miss your ex during no contact?

Right now, as badly as you want him back, and this is definitely a chance, take it from the girl who married her ex! That is not meant to be your priority. Your attention should be on going forward right now and coping with the overwhelming feelings of missing him. And I know, trust me, how intense they can be!

You need time, space, clarity, and experience right now. And that is what I am for here!

Here are five ways to save your ex-boyfriend from going absent so you can free yourself and start moving on.

RELATED: How Long Should You Go Without Contacting Your Ex After A Breakup

1. Stop with the negative self-talk

It is all too easy to get drawn into a whirlpool of depressive thoughts after a breakup, mainly about yourself.

You could ruminate that you are not good enough... that maybe he never loved you... that you are never going to meet someone as exceptional as him. As fast as possible, end all of this.

Your yearning for him can only be fueled by these thoughts because you believe he is the only one that can make things easier. This immeasurable suffering is the remedy for him. But, really, it begins with you. You put yourself in control of how you feel about yourself. He is no longer in the frame, and you give him complete power, and when you think about it, it is pretty twisted.

Do not go down the lane here. You have more than you thought, more power of your mind. Only politely remind them to leave you alone as the negative thoughts start pouring in, and you are not involved in what they have to say.


2. Write letters you don't send

It sounds cheesy, but it is working out! At the height of my suffering from the breakup up mentioned above, I found this. I just had so much that was left unsaid, or things that I did, but I wish I could have said otherwise, and it all cycled in a torturous, endless loop through my being.

All night and day, all that I could hear was a soundtrack to things I should and could have done. These thoughts need to be published or they will actually torment you forever, and I have discovered that writing a letter (or many letters) is the perfect way to get it all out.

You may think you are in need of closure, or you are in need of closure, because you want to speak to him about all this, but believe me, if you are fresh from a breakup, the conversation's going to go nowhere, and you are just going to be just as unfinished. That is possible down the road now, but we are not there yet. It takes time for the dust to settle and you need time to keep your thoughts and yourself in order. Letters are also a perfect way for you to explain how you truly feel about it. You may be shocked by some of the things that fall out, some of the thoughts and emotions that you did not really know where you were buried there.

RELATED: Thinking About Writing a Closure Letter To Your Ex?


3. Look back objectively

Concentrate on what you learned from the experience instead of dwelling on the lacking and the needing and the yearning. Look at it from a more optimistic perspective, because, especially from the most traumatic experience, there is still a lesson to learn.

What have you been learning about yourself? What have you been learning about relationships? What have you learned from a relationship on what you can and will not accept? In this relationship, what did you discover that could motivate you to be happier in your next relationship? What have you done in this relationship that you are never going to do in that relationship again? Try to gain from the process something useful and use it to get much stronger.

RELATED: When Should You Contact Your Ex?


4. Remember the bad

All right, so I know I just said I was confident, but at the same time, note that you did not think he was the right guy for you. So, in every aspect of your life except for him, be optimistic. Try to note the negatives when it comes to him!

The truth is, for a reason, you have broken up. There are potentially several reasons. Typically, breakups do not come out of the blue every day (even if they do, it is because he is never been on the same page as you, so it is a good thing that you know now, and things have not been going on for longer).

A breakup follows a steady deterioration of the relationship in the majority of situations. And that occurs sometimes, so it is just not a contest. Maybe the two people do not meet the needs of each other, maybe they want different things, maybe they do not connect well. Whatever the situation, there were issues. You would not have broken up if there were not any complications.

Concentrate about what was bad and what was lacking, rather than idealizing all the good. And equate that with the kind of relationship in which you want to be. Perhaps part of the issue is that he really was not the type of person that you wanted him to be, and you were actively trying to make him that guy. What does the right man look like to you? Well, what does he like? How are you related to one another? Concentrate on those things.


5. Focus on yourself

Avoid dwelling on him and his wants and his dreams, and why you have not been good enough for him. Concentrate on you. What are the desires of yours? What are you going to want?

Concentrate on being your absolute best self. Will you regret the way in which you were in the relationship? Do not torment yourself for it, and find opportunities to be happier instead. Look deep into yourself and figure out why you have behaved that way. What was the underlying anxiety or uncertainty that led you to do something that is not true to who you are, which you know?

Set new expectations for yourself, undertake ventures with inspiration, do the things that you have both desired and planned to do. Spend this time enhancing yourself in every way.

RELATED: How Long Should You Wait To Talk To Your Ex After A Breakup


Will no contact make him move on?

The secret to getting your ex back is that you need to give him more space than he really needs right now. What you are doing is setting things up later to return to the relationship. That the only way this man is going to want to come back into your lovin 'arms is if after your No Contact break, he sees you differently. He is got to see in you an improvement.

You are helping him to cool down a little bit. When he breaks up with you or asks for a break, then he feels very active. You have got to give him the ability to chill out.

You are raising his "response potential." He will be even more open to you when the time comes, by building up some suspense in him.

He is meant to sense your absence. The idea that every day you are NOT with you, his emotions and memories will keep nagging at him that something is missing is directly linked to # 2. And it is YOU who is something.

So, is no contact going to get him to move on? Is he going to forget about you? 

The No Contact rule works - but only if you are honest about where you are in the relationship right before it gets to this breaking point for yourself.

It is going to be messier if he breaks up with you because he is never been all that linked to begin with, or maybe another woman comes into the frame.

If you thought that space was what he really needed, you might be kidding yourself. He took this chance to break things up and quit.

So be sure that you have a long, hard look at how much of a relationship you have before you began to use the No Contact Rule. He must be in love with you in order for the rule to work.

RELATED: Will Ex forget me during no contact?

Does silence make him miss you?

The response is yes, no contact makes you miss him, but only if you use the time during which this tool is applied carefully. As I said earlier, sitting around for a call from him or wasting all your time drinking is not going to make him care of you and go, "Man, I miss her... I wish I had a chance to talk to her..." If he knows that you are not doing enough to make your life easier, he is going to be less likely to have a desire to be near to you again.

If you use this time wisely, though, and you consciously work to better your life, you will draw his interest like never before. This is what will decide the effectiveness of your time of no contact!

So, beginning now, if after a breakup you give him radio silence, start concentrating all your energies on being a fresh and enhanced version of yourself. The way this can be done is better than you thought!

You should concentrate fully on yourself so that you are not in contact with your ex. Really, now is the time to become greedy, but in a positive way! It is natural that you may have given your ex much of your time and attention, but now you have to spend all of that energy on no one but yourself. Think of what elements were put on the back burner of your life when you were in this relationship. Your friends, your family, your interests, your professional ventures, your fitness. Challenge yourself to fill your calendar of unfinished events and make it a point for new activities to be added as well.

Filling your schedule with things and people that offer you satisfaction is one of the secrets to feeling happier following a breakup, and now is the best time to start thinking about new hobbies. Did you ever wish to do something for which you have never had the time? Well, the time has come now!

The more time you spend doing things that will make you happy, the more you will become magnetic. People who are really satisfied lure people to a flame like moths, and believe me, your ex is going to take note.

If you start to remind him of the person with whom he fell in love in the first place, it will spark his interest. In the first place, if you remind him of the person he fell in love with, and he sees that you have become a fresh and better version of that person, you will become irresistible.

RELATED: 4 Signs The No Contact Rule Is Working


How do I give him space but stay on his mind?

Men are beings that are nuanced. They need consistent focus, a great deal of love, and they want to "hunt" the women they are interested in. Often it is a smart thing to give a man what he wants: a chance to pursue you.

Giving him space and using the No Contact Rule would provide the ability for your boyfriend or ex boyfriend to "reset" any negative feelings he may have against you. If you have not broken up and your boyfriend insists that he wants space, something about the relationship usually making him feel depressed or overwhelmed.

It is important to remember that often an ex's desire for space is not your fault. Maybe you have already been together only a few days before, and you are not doing anything wrong, but you are still faced with your ex's desire for space. 

This is also the case where the breakup did not go well.' I am referring to cases when there was unfaithfulness, several fights, or a disaster, where the rage or sadness of a person has been taken to a pitch of fever. And if it goes against your nature, you have to take a step back occasionally so that you can change your plan.

You are not meant to say, "Okay, I am not thinking to do anything, and I am just going to wait." Not harassing your ex again is not synonymous with lying around and hoping for them to come back to you. The good news is that there is a very powerful strategy that incorporates distance and the process of getting back together, and I am talking about radio silence, of course, by using it, all the time you plan your return, you will be able to respect their need for space. 

Personal reconstruction and social and physical evolution are things that can help you feel much happier and give your ex a supportive response with a new physical exercise.

I know that what I am asking you to do is not straightforward, and that is precisely why I am here to support you with an ultra-effective process! They are not going to see the person who begged them, who was crying and frustrated, and they are going to see a different person they might actually like (as long as you have made these changes in the long run). 

RELATED: Should I Contact My Ex After A Breakup?

Get more Relationship Advice For Women here.


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