How To Make Your Ex Miss You

By Charice Chen From ExBackExpertise

If you want to know how to make your ex miss you, it probably means that you still want to get back together with him. Sounds simple, does not it? If you could work out how to make him miss you after a breakup, the feeling of being single will be intense enough to make him try to get you back together.

 The truth of the matter, sadly, is that it is going to take a lot more than simply learning how to make you miss an ex. It needs more than just him feeling depressed that you are not together anymore if you ever want to learn how to make your ex want you back and hold him for good.

Now, I do not want you to take what I am doing the wrong way to make you miss your ex is a first important step in learning how to easily make your ex want you back.

I am going to teach you in this post, not only how to make an ex care about you, but exactly how to make an ex want you back, win you back, and keep you going for good.

Just think about it like a formula. You have to do the whole formula, not just bits, in order to achieve the best results possible.

If you were just trying to make your ex-boyfriend miss you and nothing more, odds are you might not end up having him back together again.

I have always been strongly critical of something that does not have any statistical facts or evidence to justify it. As a dating and relationship coach, by staying up to date with recently released clinical research that affirm strategies on what does and does not work, I help a lot of people win back their exes. To put it more simply: I do not want to leave things up to chance.

The No Contact Rule is the best technique for making you miss your former boyfriend. The feeling that he has for you is going to come back. And if your ex breaks up with you, you will be filled with love and memories from the past.

So it is your goal to keep away from social media. Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, just about everything. Give your ex space and time to go through his thoughts and the desire to love you again will be brought back by his brain.

He may be starting to regret breaking up with you.

RELATED: How To Make Your Ex Miss You Badly Without Trying


How do you make your ex think about you constantly?

A variety of activities can be put in motion that lead your former boyfriend to yearn to be with you again. It is learning the things that you can and should not do that lets you get him where he has to have you back in the mentality.

You want to miss your ex-boyfriend like a mad guy, do not you? And from the day he breaks up with you, you want him to start missing you, do you? Only there after the break up, literally.

You want him to miss you more than he might possibly know, so much more.

We are all about re-creating memories of all the locations that he and you often use. You want him to worry about, and to reflect on, certain moments. Do not you love to continuously think about your former boyfriend, fantasizing about hooking up with you?

If you could see visible proof of how much your former boyfriend misses you on Facebook as measured by his messages and his reactions to yours, will not it be wonderful?

Do not you want him to be overcome by emotions that he will not calm down on your behalf? Do not you want him to be scared that he is missing you and that he may not see you, or that without him, you are only getting along well.

This is neurological reactivity. You seem to miss it anytime you forget something, and you regret letting it go. All of the thoughts, the promises, the priorities, will continue to creep up.

Radio silence is your only choice to help you miss your former boyfriend. It gives him pressure to determine how important you are in his life and to accept it.

RELATED: How To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Think About You


Does the no contact rule make your ex miss you?

The no contact rule is just about you and about re-connecting with yourself. An extra bonus is that it is going to make you miss your ex.

But do not use it, please, as a way of getting him back. Is it able to work? Oh, yeah, definitely, all the time, it does. But only if you do the work can it actually work. As in, during this time, you work on yourself and reap all the benefits of the no contact period.

Both of us have a desire to idealize the past, to romanticize what we no longer have. If you are not a force in his life, this is what is going to happen eventually. But again, once things change and change comes from inside, it will not work out.

It starts with you and you are the only person who can be managed by you. So take the time to work on yourself, to get back to yourself, to just be alone, and if he reaches out while there is no contact duration (a minimum of four weeks), then the second time around, you might have a chance. 

Your ex is thinking to continue to think about all the wonderful things of the past and start blaming himself for asking for a breakup. He is going to find reasons for getting back together. And if you play it cleverly, by leading your own life without his presence, you will make him jealous. This is intelligent psychology that you should check out.

RELATED: 4 Signs The No Contact Rule Is Working


How do you make your ex miss you psychology?

You owe them the life to miss you as you get away from your ex and vanish from their lives, when you are not there.

In order to miss you, a boyfriend or girlfriend needs to notice and they must witness the repercussions of their decision to break up with you.

You want to know how to make your ex want you back and I am here to tell you that in order for it to happen, they have to know what it is like not to have you.

You have to avoid behaving absolutely like the lover of this person.

Yeah, no presents. No contact in physical form. Only silence, and the lack of you.

That is how to make you miss your ex, pine for you, and regret having to break up with you.

Do not look for vengeance and get jealous by getting on with your ex. Scientific analysis shows that the more space you can create between yourself and your ex, the more reasons he is likely to miss and return to you.

Get More Tips On Making Your Ex Miss You Here

Make Your Ex Long For You

This is the bargain here:

I am not implying that you neglect him or her whenever you see a boyfriend or a girlfriend in public, because that will appear disrespectful and childish.

Actually, it will convince them that you are not in a good position (and you want them to at least believe that you are in a good place).

So if you see them out and come face-to-face with them somewhere, smile and say something like, "Hey, well, nice to see you. You are doing fine, I presume. I have got to run, but look out! If you have not seen them in a while, you might add, "I have got to run, but sometimes let us catch up. That is it.

If it is necessary, stay far away from them.

Before you go, wait until they leave the room to ensure that you do not get next to them.

If you are being texted by your ex, do not respond. For a little bit, let him hang. And if it takes out some irritation, it just makes him want you more. Nothing sounds better than making an ex miss you like an insane person.

RELATED: How Long Does It Take For An Ex To Miss You With No Contact?


How do you know if your ex misses you?

In order to contact you, he makes random reasons

He sees the most accidental reasons for reaching out to you. He is giving you amusing memes of a cat on Messenger. He calls to inform you that he has discovered a lucky purple sock for him. Perhaps he is giving you pictures of himself: a picture of him at his brother's graduation with his family or of him receiving an award at work.

Your ex reaching out is a strong indication that you are still on his mind, whatever the means of contact or for whatever the cause. He would like to hear from you.

Maybe he would still like to know if he still has access to you. Are you going to involve him in conversation, or are you going to blow him off? Perhaps it is his tactic to attempt to rekindle the relationship. Or maybe he is already so caught up on you that there are a few emails or calls here and plenty of them to give him what he wants.

For apparently "important" reasons, sending harmless messages or messaging you is a perfect way for him to see if you are open to him reaching out and if in the future there is a real gap for him.

Again, do not make any contact and enforce silence on the radio. Sooner or later, your former boyfriend is going to undergo a flood of thoughts about you. He would be thinking of you deeply and maybe regret the breakup.

He is going to miss love and touch. The nice time you two enjoyed enjoying things, and how you made him extra special with a girlfriend like you.

RELATED: 13 Unmistakable Signs Your Ex Misses You


How can I make my ex change his mind?

No person can say if your ex can change his mind and come back to you.

No matter how smart they are or the amount of diplomas they hold, they will not tell you.

They may say that they have worked on thousands or millions of breakup cases, and they may still not be able to tell you what your chances are.

The best they can do is analyze your case by looking at the actions of your ex against himself, as well as you, and making a coherent decision based on how people "usually" treat themselves in similar circumstances.

Although, as you know, there are no circumstances that are close to the billions of people in this world.

And they are all different, peculiar, unusual, and always contradictory with what they are saying and doing, as far as I am concerned.

That is why it is so very unfair to mark the whole people of the planet as one particular form of dumper.

Everyone is different in their own way, which is why there are so many different kinds of breakups. Others are rude, hideous, impolite, vengeful. Others are friendly, respectful, kindhearted, and so forth.

The argument I am trying to say is that there should not be dumpees or dumpers located in the same jar. Instead, they should be handled with the individuality and singularity that they deserve.

So if you are curious if your ex's going to change his mind and come back, it will add more insight to this post.

Just note that it is written for males and females alike.

The question is how are you going to cope with this radio silence time when your ex has a deep desire to contact you. Do not split contact. No contact. And if you find that the time is perfect for you to talk to your ex.

Let your ex boyfriend work hard to get your attention. Kick off a little jealousy. For now, that is your only goal. You want him to convince you that he will love you again with honesty.

RELATED: How To Get Your Ex Back

Read More Tips On How To Make Your Ex Miss You Here


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