Is My Ex Thinking About Me During No Contact Period

Is My Ex Thinking About Me During No Contact Period

Is My Ex Thinking About Me During No Contact

When people approach me for advice on regaining their ex's affections, they often believe that their ex's love for them is gone, and that their ex's mind suddenly “flicked a switch” at the moment their relationship ended.

An individual will only have a bad character if they have mental issues or certain personality defects.

You probably think about your ex and miss them throughout the no contact period.

You should not have any contact with them.

Let me paraphrase.

It is important to maintain no contact even when you are aware of your ex's feelings.

It is best if you do not.

Read “What Do I Do If I Was Just Dumped?” for a long explanation of why this happened and why it should reassure you. It helps you to understand why it occurred and that things will get better soon.

How Do You Know If He Misses You During No Contact?

No matter how much your ex is missing you, it is best to stay away from them since they may manipulate you and jeopardize your new contact.

To return your friend(s), the reverse is true.

I've written about that, though, in my previously linked articles. That said, this post is not about that.

Since the no contact time gives opportunity for him to think about you, it is certain that he will.

Each guy has a distinct way during the no contact time.

What Are The Stages Of No Contact?

How do you know if he misses you during no contact?

After any relationship, regardless of how long it lasts, it is essential to use the “no contact” rule to assist you make the decision about whether you should continue in a relationship or go elsewhere.

The “Oh my God, I wonder what my boyfriend is doing/thinking/feeling about me right now” mental cycle is in full swing, and it's even worse when everyone has their phone and social media so accessible.

It is no secret that these weeks may be particularly strenuous—minutes morph into hours, and there is no way to quit worrying.

Rather to put yourself through all of this difficulty, it would be best to seek for cues to see if he still misses you.

If his friends, relatives, or friends say that he is always talking about you, then you can be certain that he has feelings for you and can not suppress the need to get you back.

You can see why he will keep mentioning you even when you are not there.

And I'll gv you a brief overview, but for starters, no contact rule means ignoring your ex on purpose for a set amount of time.

Even if he wants to, he can not stop thinking about you for even a moment!

During “no contact,” a critical indicator that he misses you is if he apologizes, as he is the one who broke up with you.

Does Silence Make A Man Miss You?

You could be expecting me to suddenly say, “I'm sorry,” and I'll be off the hook for whatever I did. But I don't mean a few hollow words that forgive me without real conviction.

If he keeps saying he is sorry, it means he is truly remorseful for what he is done and wants you back in his life.

He knows how much you are hurting and he is upset with himself for not recognizing sooner just how great of a girlfriend you are.

If you believe he is missing you, you may want to think about giving your relationship another go, but keep asking yourself, “What do I really want?” If you too desire the same things as him, nothing should get in the thing of your pursuit of happiness! Best wishes!

Even if you had miraculously fixed all your faults and were able to become the most desirable person on the planet, such people would never allow you to make amends.

How Long Does It Take For An Ex To Miss You With No Contact?

What are the stages of no contact?

Basically, you're sticking to your guns and everything is going according to plan. You're staying out of your ex's hair, which was your ultimate goal, and everything is going well. During a no contact rule, you may expect your ex to be going through these five stages.

Decided And Certain (3 Days To A Week)

Fret About Their Well-Being After Not Hearing from You (Week To 2 Weeks)

Anger At Being Ignored (2 Weeks To 2.5 Weeks)

Debate Over what they lost (2.5 Weeks to 3 Weeks)

Contact with Hope (3 Weeks To 4 Weeks)

Will No Contact Make Him Move On?

In the context of this discussion, I should add that typically, a "no contact" period lasts anywhere from 21 to 45 days. Everyone who is previously broken up with you will respond in different ways to the no contact rule. For instance, stage one may last two weeks, whereas stage two is more brief, with a length of only a few days.

Yet, in thing o avoid putting yourself at risk of being ensnared in his toxic web again, the no contact rule will aid you in your healing journey.

What He's Thinking During No Contact?

Does silence make a man miss you?

Silence is indeed a harsh punishment: you could miss a man who has come to treat you as just another casual option, especially if you have let him or he is grown bored of you. Because fear of loss affects everyone, it makes people re-think what they do, which is why silence is so powerful.

The two are practically identical in most cases: silence on the thing of the victim, no contact from the perpetrator. If you remove all of your contact with him, you make it such that the decisions he makes about your relationship — whether it is to ghost you, break up with you, or end the relationship — have repercussions. To add to that, he has enough room to forget about the upsetting things and those that may turn him sour.

Instead, he will remember about the good times you had together and will feel better as a result.

And sometimes it is false hope, and they may know that there is a chance you will respond to them.

Will No Contact Work If He Lost Feelings?

Even if you have not spoken in a while, it is probable that they think about you from time to time, depending on the strength of your relationship.

When your ex (who is typically extremely confident and (sometimes relieved) in their decision to breakup, but feels pain (and sometimes heartache) in the immediate aftermath of the break-up, he or she most likely begins to experience feelings of insecurity as the days and weeks go by without hearing from you and then, potentially, resentment, because of how unlikely you appear to be to pursue them and fight for your contact.

You will only be a shadow of him: There is no guarantee he will stick around for the long run.

How Do I Know My Ex Is Thinking About Me?

It seems like God may be keeping you from a terrible relationship.

How long does it take for an ex to miss you with no contact?

It's impossible to determine that it's functioning on his end because you can't contact him or monitor him in any way. And yet, I will provide a comprehensive overview of how it operates in five parts.

After being diagnosed, I ate my favorite meals and listened to my favorite tunes.

Will My Ex Just Forget About Me?


During the first few days (typically a span of one to two weeks) of no contact, your ex will feel some of the immediate relief from the breakup.


They will assume you are busy and have not made time for them or that you have been too busy. He is certain to wonder what is going on as long as you avoid speaking to him every day.


This may or may not be true, depending on the person. If you haven't already done so, you should try to answer his questions. Otherwise, he'll be driven to believe that you have a secret person. The issue of jealousy may arise. During a breakup, most people move quickly into rebound relationships.


The fact that your ex's mind is entirely consumed with wondering what you are doing with another person means that he is consumed with you. Despite being with someone new, the illusion of perfection he has built for himself could well be undone when he discovers that the person is far from who he expected.

How Do You Know If Your Ex Misses You?


This final step, which defines what action to take, comes next. Your ex thinks he is lost you and that it is the end. It is the feeling that you had throughout the beginning of the breakup way: the initiator now feels as you did when you were on the breakup end of things.

Will no contact make him move on?

Don't do that! No way! He might stop thinking about you if he does not hear from you for weeks or months. To beat the odds, I would rather you follow my variation of the no contact rule.

I have given you all you could ask for. Make contact, yet with proper regard.

Following that, he had wanted to meet up with me several times to check how we were doing.

The rule of thirty days is the length of time following a breakup that must be put in before seeing or speaking to one another. The basic no contact rule is to keep you apart from your ex; it effectively creates a vacuum.

What he's thinking during no contact?

What are his thoughts like during no contact?3

Why Am I Suddenly Thinking About My Ex?

He is really happy, but he is a way perplexed about why. He is contemplating everything, from all the "whys" and "hows" to what exactly made you alter so dramatically.

He believes you have already given up on him and does not believe it. The less you give him, the more questions he will have about you.

This is a fantastic sign that the no contact rule is effective with him (assuming you want him to think about you).

Will no contact work if he lost feelings?

The answer is affirmative. The same way he had a relationship with you, your ex misses you now. Erratically. While no contact aims to protect you by distancing you from the relationship and the pain that the person may bring, it is really meant to give you the time to recover and improve on your own.

How do I know my ex is thinking about me?

If your ex mentions you in their future plans, this might mean they are considering about getting back together. After a breakup, exes always look for things to point out about why the relationship did not work.

You can see the difference between a person who wants to know how they failed so they may improve in the future and someone who is looking for someone to blame in order to feel better.

If your ex is attempting to make amends by working on areas that might have caused the breakup, it could indicate that they wish to reconcile. You may want to consider the possibility that your ex wants to reconcile if they have been aggressively hiding their dating life from you.

They won't be concerned with you discovering their mind life unless they are looking to make amends. When your ex begins to reminisce about the wonderful times you had together, it may mean that they want to reconcile. They probably miss you and the enjoyable relationship you shared with them.

Does He Miss You While You're No Contact?

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